Friday, May 2, 2014

Gabourey Sidibe.... @ the Gloria Awards, A Foundation for Women! Gabby States, If I wasn't told I was ugly more!

Finding what makes you strong is finding inner peace within yourself. We all have our battles big or small; but if one is being hurt by their own thinking then someone should be there to encourage and support them to find a better place. This is what makes us be family and a community.
As we all know some people need others insecurities to make them look better but we know that it doesn't. I firmly believe in what comes around goes around. What you dislike the most maybe your obsession of a destruction! I've seen it happen so be very careful how you treat people, you never know it might be your turn coming soon #yesu2mynaysayers

"If they hadn't told me I was ugly, I never would have searched for my beauty. And if they hadn't tried to break me down, I wouldn't know that I'm unbreakable." - Gabourey Sidibe at the#GloriaAwards. Preach, mama!!!

There is a video to and you can hear what she says and her emotions behind the hurt BUT from a strong place as a young woman! Visit our fan page on Face Book at Big BOLD and Beautiful Women, Celebrity Bloggers just type that in the SEARCH  box on Face Book and you will see it and some other things that you haven't! LIKE OUR PAGE, WE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO AND THANK YOU :)

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